Thursday, August 16, 2007

Splash-In Cont'd

Today I am posting a few more photos of the "bigger stuff" from past splash-in's.

This beautiful Cessna 206 is a regular visitor to the splash-in.

Very impressive paint scheme!

C-FETN usually makes an appearance every year, lands on the water drops the wheels, drives up the ramp.

When ETN departs the process is reversed and then does a fly by.

C-GBUL is a "one of a kind" Beaver. A 600HP with a 4 blade prop makes this airplane a show stopper!

I met the owner at the Beaver 60th Anniversary in Downsview and he hopes to be at the Spalsh-in this year.

I hope so.

Just as a side note, today is the 60th anniversary to the day of the first Beaver DHC-2 flight from Downsview, ON!

Happy Birthday Beaver!!!! You are one of my favourite aircraft.

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