Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Busy Day at My Local Airport!

Yesterday by chance I happened to travel past my local airport first thing in the AM!

To my surprize there was 3 bizjets sitting on the ramp!

C-GPCZ was actually getting ready for an early morning departure into the perect weather.

Here you can see PCZ on her take-off roll, while the other 2 watch and wonder when it would be their turn to head out into the beautiful blue sky!

This beauty is N515JT an Embraer Legacy 600, was the first one that I have had a chance to see!

What a fine color scheme!

G-EMLI happened to be here visiting from somewhere in the U.K.

That must have been quite the haul across the pond!

This Saturday is one of my favourite events, the yearly Splash-in/fly-in! I look forward to this event every year, so I can get some graet shots of floatplanes, of all types and sizes!

The Splash-in/fly-in is in such a great spot to get excellent photographs.

I think the rest of this week I will be posting pictures from previous Splash-ins!


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